
Monday, July 23, 2012

HGA Award for Weaving

I couldn't be more excited! Handweavers Guild of America (HGA) held their biennial international Convergence conference this past week in Long Beach, California. The winners of all the exhibits were announced at the close of the "Pacific Currents" Fashion Show Wednesday night, and I almost fell off my chair when my name was announced as the winner of the HGA award!

I was thrilled when my entry was juried into the "Longitudes" yardage exhibit several months ago, and it was exciting to see it as part of the display in the lobby of the convention center. Winning the HGA award is more than I ever imagined. 

From HGA's website:

The HGA Award honors outstanding exhibited works. It is a prestigious award and may be presented only to work which clearly demonstrates excellence.

The HGA Award includes a certificate of accomplishment and a handwoven ribbon. Award winners receive further acclaim through publication in Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, HGA’s quarterly award-winning magazine, and an opportunity to have their work appreciated by an international readership of fiber artists, enthusiasts, and collectors.

Award Criteria
  • Must embody a unique interpretation; demonstrate a fresh, individual approach, and express personal creativity.
  • Must exemplify a complete understanding of both aesthetic and functional considerations.
  • Must demonstrate excellence in technical skills. 

I am honored beyond words.
The upper level of the lobby allowed access to the 8 x 8" touch panels that were required for each piece. These allow viewers the chance to examine the fabrics closelyThe panels also include information about materials used, weave structure, etc.
Guess whose panel this weaver is looking at! 

I had a wonderful, fun, inspiring week made more special by the many weavers and fiber people I met from all over the world. I can't wait for 2014!

Note: If you would like to read the post I wrote just after weaving the fabric, you'll find it here: Summer and Winter in Bambu 7


  1. Helo, I come from germany. I have a wish to you: please put on the top of your blog "translate". You will find it by layout-gadget. Thank You. Greetings Ate

    1. I'm glad you found your way to my blog. Thank you for the "translate" suggestion. Done!

      Happy Weaving!
